
DLIMS has been designed on LAMP, where:

L = Linux Operating System
A = Apache Web Server
M = MySQL Database Server
P = PHP (Hypertext preprocessor)

PHP together with HTML provides front end interface for interaction from users and MySQL as back end interface. Linux gives added advantage of security and apache as web server.


  • α -tested and β -tested.
  • No special supplements required.
  • Fully traced system prevents forgery.
  • Complete control over library activities.
  • Transparent and Customizable as per need.
  • Different modules designed and combined under a single application.
  • Works from remote server, so specific onsite software or server installation not required.
  • Broad search categories including title, author, publisher, place, supplier, subject and many others.

Data security and validation

  • Data validation at each step.
  • Well defined and secure database.
  • Normalized database up to Backus–Naur Form (BNF).
  • Fidelity for library rules and regulation.
  • Adequate usage of the available resource.
  • Auto upgrades, backups and system maintenance.
  • Complete track of books status viz. in house, issued, lost, damaged etc.
  • Well categorized literature having complete literature record including technical and financial with user friendly record updation facility.

Administrative and User Management

  • Well maintained library hierarchy of administration and members having online access.
  • User friendly interface with minimized input requirements.
  • Accurate and updated information to the Patrons
  • Record of the suppliers.
  • Unique identification for each member.